Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Nigeria's New Fear The Zakzaky.

Nigeria's New Fear The Zakzaky.

Nigerian army is killing unarmed Zakzaky's followers where as Boko Haram's Millitia are wracking havoc in the country. Global Terrorism Index 2015 clearly indicate that Boko haram militant has killed more humans then the ISIS alone.  Nigerian Government is afraid of Shia Revolution in the Northern region. Ibraheem Zakzaky the head figure of IMN(Islamic Movement of Nigeria) is regarded as the Khomeini of Nigeria. From 1980, when he started the Movement the number of his followers has dramatically increased.
After the Last attack on his followers his where about is not known to any one, A school of thought in Nigeria is prevailing that he is in custody of government. Nigerian Government must take into account that any step to keep Zakzaky undercover or killed can harm the peace of Nigeria ; which could make the Peaceful zkzaky followers to turn to violence. The already devastating economy of this OPEC member cannot bear the extreme violence .

Monday, 28 December 2015


Some Straight Facts about Nigeria(AFRICA)
Intro & Background.
Nigeria is home to 250 ethnic groups.(faulani ,hassa AND yourba as major ones).In the 19th Century British colonized Nigeria into two factions.
Northern Nigeria (mostly Muslim) and
Southern Nigeria (mostly Christian)
 The two were joined in 1941 to form the colony of Nigeria but the people have never been truly united. The British undermined Nigerian nationalism by encouraging tribalism, choosing to rule indirectly through local chiefs.
 Nigeria became an independent nation on 1 October 1960 and entrenched ethnic tensions and power struggles began to simmer. Nigeria's post colonial history has been rocky and bloody..
                                     Since independence, Nigeria has experienced three Republics, five coups and a Civil war, not to mention a severely battered economy.
                                     As one of the leading oil producers in the world, Nigeria has been a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) since 1971
The oil-rich Nigerian economy has been long hobbled by political instability, corruption, and poor macroeconomic management
                                Mostly Northern Muslims ruled Nigeria from independence until Olusegun Obasanjo, a southerner and strongly Christian Yoruba(Ethnic Group), was democratically elected President in February 1999 .
This inflamed the northern Muslims clerks & Conservatives. To regain power and prestige, they have reinvented themselves as religious reformers.
 The Nigerian Constitution prohibits the government from adopting any religion, ensuring the separation of Church and state.


Founded in 2002,Boko Haram promotes a version of Islam which makes it "haram", or forbidden, for Muslims to take part in any political or social activity associated with Western society.
This includes voting in elections, wearing shirts and trousers or receiving a secular education.
Boko Haram regards the Nigerian state as being run by non-believers. It launched Military operation in 2009 to create Islamic state. It even declared a caliphate in area it controlled later most territory was regained by Nigerian army. In 2013 US designated it as a Terrorist group.
ISIS is strengthening ties with Boko haram.
"The Nigeria-based Boko Haram terrorist group has killed more people than Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL), claiming 6,644 lives compared to 6,073 killed by IS, revealed the Global Terrorism Index recently published by the Institute for Economic and Peace (IEP). The Nigerian jihadists pledged allegiance to IS in March 2015."
                                          Although Nigeria’s Muslim population, estimated at 60 million, is largely Sunni, the Shia minority is significant. There are no actual statistics, but some sources estimate the number to be between 4 million and 10 million followers of Shia Islam. The movement is especially strong in northeast Nigeria, the area where Boko Haram operates.

Nigeria’s Khomeini,  Ibrahem Zakzaky and IMN (Islamic Movement of Nigeria)

Ibraheem Zakzaky is a Shi'a Muslim cleric in Nigeria, and head of Nigeria's Islamic Movement (IMN). In 1980s, Ibraheem Zakzaky introduced Shia Islam in Nigeria, which formerly had only Sunni Muslims. He has been arrested several times by the Nigerian government in 1980s and 1990s.]Recently, after Nigerian army's December 12 attacks on IMN members which has been described as a massacre by human rights activists, Zakzaky was injured and arrested by the army. Since then, his exact whereabouts and conditions remain unknown

                                    Boko Haram wreaks havoc while the Nigerian army kills unarmed peaceful Zakzay's followers.

Saturday, 26 December 2015


#In 1656 a full scale war broke out when Israel attacked the Sinai-Egypt, East of Suiz Canal .(Upto 1956 canal has been co-owned by Britain and France with both countries befitting from the Profit. General Abdul Naseer of Egypt believed that the profit should go to Egypt.) Britain and France helped the Israel to plan out its attack. Plan was simple Israel would attack Sinai ,While Britain and France would attack and occupy Suiz canal.  UNSC (United Nation Security Council) Voted on Israel's Withdrawal but Britain and France Vetoed it.  UNSC Transferred its powers to UNGA(UN General assembly); UNGA, Using its peace principle called for a cease-fire on 5 Nov 1956. UNGA created UNEF(UN Emergency Force to to maintain/Oversea cease-fire between Israel and Egypt. Just One day later Britain and France Launched their attack on Suiz Canal and UN seems Powerless to stop them . However under pressure from US(United States) they had to pull out their forces from Suiz canal. Thus UNEF(United Nations Emergency Force ) remained their till it was asked by General Naseer of Egypt to leave in 1967.
#1967::In reaction to this , Israel launched series of attacks on Egypt, Jordan, Syria ,and Iraq. This war lasted for 6 days. Fighting stopped when UNSC ordered a ceasefire and adopted resolution 242.
#UNSC RESOLUTION 242 is till now considered as the Broader frame work of peace to Middle East.
Resolution 242 : Resolution 242 required Israel to withdraw from The West Bank, Gaza , and other Arab lands it had occupied in 1967 war, and also called for a solution to the Palestinian refugee problem while recognizing the right of every state concerned in the Middle east. All the involved nations Signed the 242 except Syria. However each side Arab and Jews interpreted each point differently. Each side put a different emphasis on each point.

With Such a distrust , it was clear that the dispute will continue with more Conflict to Follow. (Continue........................

Friday, 25 December 2015


# In 1916 , WWI British convinced Arab leaders to revolt against the Ottoman Empire(which was allied with Germany)  , in Return British promised to support establishment of independent Arab state including Palestine. Yet in Contradiction, they also get support of Jewish People.
# 1917 British Foreign Secretary issued a declaration BALFOUR declaration supporting the establishment of Jewish National home in Palestine.
# the spoils of war were to be shared. British and France carved up the Arab provinces of Ottoman empire and divide the control of region. As with the 1885 Berlin Conference Africa was carved up amongst various European empire.

#After WWI, Britain Governed Palestine as a Mandate of League Of Nations. Despite having differences, Palestinians and Jews struggled together against the British Mandate.
# In 1947 Britain asked the UN(United Nations) to take Over the duty of Running the area. Thus from 1920-1947 British has mandate to govern Palestine, which includes  all of Israel and today's occupied territories of Gaza strip and West Bank etc
#The Increasing number of Jewish people immigrating to the Holly land increased tension in the region. Meanwhile in 1920  Communal violence erupted between them which eventually turned into a Civil war in 1947 and the conflict is still going on.
#British Mandate to Govern Palestine ended after WWII. (United Nation General Assembly resolution 181) In 1947 UN voted through General Assembly Resolution 181 to partition Palestine into a)Jewish State b)Arab state C) and a Small International Zone.
#Arabs rejected the idea but the Plane move forward. British officially withdraw on 14 may 1948. Jewish National Council proclaimed the state of Israel. Us become the first nation to recognize it and recognition came within hours.
# Hostilities broke out almost immediately after the proclamation of state of Israel. On the next day Arab forces from Egypt ,Jordan ,Syria ,Lebanon , and Iraq invaded the new nation.
#By the ceasefire 7 January 1949 Israel had increased its original territory by 50% taking western Galilee , a broad corridor through central Palestine to Jerusalem and part of modern Jerusalem. 
# Israel become Member of UN on 11 May 1949.

In 1956 a full scale
War Broke out. ..................................(Continue.....