Obama's Administration in her final power play is paving the way for India to become a member of Nuclear Supplier Group NSG.
It should be noted that India has never ratified the NPT and is given and exemption, since 2008,from Global nuclear Proliferation rules to produce Nuclear Fissile Material Virtually Unchecked. At that moment Pakistan warned U.S that the deal would increases the chances of Nuclear Arms race in South Asia.
One of the Key U.S senator Expressed if India is included in in NSG it will cause a 'Never Ending' Arms Race in South Asia.
What U.S Administration should do at this critical juncture of time , is to agree India and Pakistan to Create a Strategic Restraint Regime -instead of creating Exceptions.
Indian's inclusion in NSG will escalate the situation of Conflict.
The Proposal of SRR is lying on the table since 1998.To Bring Peace and Harmony to South Asia A Regional Mechanism Like SRR should be put on top of the list along with the notorious issues to be resolved.