Tuesday, 14 June 2016

USA Presidential Election Limitation & Reforms.

USA Presidential Election Limitation & Reforms.

US Presidential Election is mockery in the face of Democracy. There are  many Flaws in Presidential electoral System .
 First and Foremost is the Formula of' Winner takes All' ,Which encourages the campaigners to focus on Swing states while ignoring the rest of the country. Secondly, there is no guarantee of winning either with a National Popular Vote or Electoral College Winner as in 1876 , 1888 and 2000.
The Electoral College discourages the Turnout and Participation,  advantage in this manner goes to the Party dominant in that particular state.
In order to improve these basic Limitations a number of reforms have been proposed but so called Swing states have turned deaf ear to them.
A better replacement for Electoral College with a direct Popular vote such as in every vote counts Amendment may promote turnout and participation..
Besides that a number of plans like National Popular vote Interstate Compact, District System of Nebraska , The Automatic Plan , The Proportional Plan and few more have been proposed.
Nonetheless , No any system mentioned above is Ideal. In order to make US democracy an Ideal one and to  remove grievances of small states, with Some  Sincere Efforts a new system of Election can be Formulated by Amalgamation of above Proposed Plans.

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